UI/UX Web Design October 25, 2023

A Journey Through Redesigning PM.GC.CA

The Prime Minister holds a position of utmost significance and influence in Canada, making it imperative for their social media presence and website to align with this elevated stature. Although the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) website effectively served its intended purpose, its design had become outdated. In 2018, I undertook the challenge of revamping the website’s design, and I returned to the project in 2023 to provide the following outcomes.

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Web Design, Web Dev


Modernize the Prime Minister’s main source of communication website - PM.GC.CA

In my view, the Prime Minister’s website holds a crucial role both nationally and internationally. It serves as a vital source of official press releases and communications for many, including those in and outside the media, accessible via PM.GC.CA. Back in 2017, when I first started brainstorming ideas for the website’s enhancement, my objective was to rejuvenate its appearance while preserving the official and governmental aesthetics. During this creative process, I drew inspiration from Microsoft’s design language, specifically the Windows 8 Metro and Windows 10 Live Tiles, to present information in an engaging way.
However, I continually found myself unsatisfied with the design, prompting me to iterate and refine it over time. Due to various other commitments and projects, I, unfortunately, couldn’t see this project through to completion. Nevertheless, I have recently rediscovered my passion for this project using modern tools and ideas.

Early Concept Explorations

Concept Mockups

Exploring different concept variations


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