UI/UX Web Design January 1, 2019

Destiny Community Clan Project

A significant source of happiness in my life as a gamer stems from the opportunity to connect with diverse individuals within the gaming community. Beyond merely playing video games, this community serves as a platform for collective endeavors in support of worthy causes, sharing laughter, exchanging ideas, and, most importantly, providing a safe haven for occasional respite from our hectic daily lives.


I investigated methods to track and showcase information by integrating the Destiny 2 API and Discord.

Destiny 2 holds widespread appeal among gaming enthusiasts, fostering a vibrant community that often forms clans or guilds. These groups unite to engage in collaborative gameplay, host charity events, and conquer in-game challenges like raids and dungeons. These collective endeavors create close-knit communities where lifelong friendships are forged.

As these communities expand, the need for effective management tools becomes apparent. The NorthStar project aimed to enhance Discord community engagement by leveraging the Discord and Destiny 2 API. Objectives included orchestrating events, implementing user rewards, and presenting this information in real-time. A key emphasis was placed on maintaining a design language that aligns with the familiar aesthetics users experience within the game environment.

Concept Brainstorming


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